I’ve been trying to hide it for so long. But this article from last Saturday just put me over the top. This is a monkey that I’ve had on my back for far too long. Yeah I tried to hide it but somehow people just found out. In a way I’m glad, no more acting, and no more charades. Now I get to live the way that God made me to be. Is there something wrong with that?
I’m sorry you had to find out this way Mom. The Toronto sun is a very popular news paper, but I just never wanted to hurt you. It’s not your fault, I mean with the exception of letting me buy “Dance mix 92”; you did the best you could. I always tried to be who I thought you wanted me to be, but enough is enough! In grade 10 when I got that 92% in Geography, I had to go against all of my natural tendencies or when I experimented with post secondary education, I did it without even thinking? I can’t help it if I like the smell of skunk cabbage, I can’t help it if I think Rachael Hunter looks like a man, I can’t help it if I think of Doritos when I hear the song “Macho man”. That’s just who I am.
Oh this feels so good. I don’t have to hide anymore, no more getting gas from the nearest reasonable gas station, I’m going to drive across town even if it is only point 2 cents difference in price, no more giving the right of way at a four way stop, no more having to stop myself from diving in the shallow end. Oh no, I’m an idiot and I’m proud of it. Can’t you just accept me for who I really am; can’t you just love me despite of all of this, besides, I’m not hurting anyone.
David J Miller