Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The first half of this year has been much slower than normal. Not near as much reading. I am, however, in the process of thinking about what niche I should take up in my blogging. Some more adequate people pick up the book reviews, as well as spiritual matters and even other have taken on the topic of communication in today's world. Hummmmm? Where should I go?


Michael Krahn said...

Just to be clear.. in that last line you're asking us to tell you where to go? Is that right?


Miller said...

It's more of a rhetorical question but what did you wanna suggest?

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About Me

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St Thomas, Ontario, Canada
I'm a thirty something trying to figure out what looks better, leaving my hair the way it is or just bring it down to the skin. I'm also contemplating how I can fit into those pants I baught last year without having to sew. I'm Christian which means that I Love Jesus and that I've got a cool bumper sticker. I Have the best wife in the world (which I don't deserve) and want to spend the rest of my life with her. My 3 Boys are almost as geeky and nerdy as me and the only difference between me and them is that I can at least pull off being cool when I'm around my wife.
