Monday, March 15, 2010

Parties Parting

Abraham’s separation with Lot is one that gives us a good example of how separations should happen.

Abraham was a rich guy; going to Egypt had made him quite wealthy. He even picked up a concubine who would later bear him a son. But it’s interesting how when you go somewhere with someone and you come back with your eye’s full, there always seems to be difficulties. When I say that Abraham and Lot’s eyes were full, I mean this; they both clearly understood what their values were. They had amassed many possessions. So much it caused division in the camp.

But look at Abraham’s proactive response. “Let there be no strife between you and me”. best way to avoid strife is to part ways. No fighting, just “you take that, and I’ll take this”. Looks like a good example to me. Abraham is magnanimous.


Michael Krahn said...


Another good example I just happened to come across in my reading today. Leviticus 25:35-38.

See, there is practical stuff in Leviticus!

Toyin O. said...

That is so true and a great example from the bible, thanks for sharing.

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St Thomas, Ontario, Canada
I'm a thirty something trying to figure out what looks better, leaving my hair the way it is or just bring it down to the skin. I'm also contemplating how I can fit into those pants I baught last year without having to sew. I'm Christian which means that I Love Jesus and that I've got a cool bumper sticker. I Have the best wife in the world (which I don't deserve) and want to spend the rest of my life with her. My 3 Boys are almost as geeky and nerdy as me and the only difference between me and them is that I can at least pull off being cool when I'm around my wife.
